Corporate Giving

Our Story…

SkinResource has had a history of giving, and being able to help our communities near and far has always been a crucial part of our company for many years. 

Dr. Paul Dean, our original founder of SkinResource, not only had a thriving career as a dermatologist; he also had dedicated a lot of his time and career to give back to communities and organizations throughout the world in need of physician expertise. He was a board member of International Medical Corps (IMC) for many years, and donated his time and a percentage of profits from Skin Resource to help support their education and health programs for women and children in Africa. He also had devoted much of his time to support local organizations here in San Diego, and found it always rewarding to be able to give and offer his time and support.
We are so proud here at SkinResource to continue his legacy of giving. We honor Paul Dean in our efforts to give to organizations that are making an impact worldwide.

“ We Make a Living by What We Get, We Make a Life by What We Give” 
- Winston Churchill

Giving back to our community and surrounding communities deepens a sense of connection, as well as demonstrates how we care not only for the community but for our customers. 

Charitable Giving and participation is an integral part of SkinResource.MD. Giving back within our community is a way for us to make a difference locally and beyond. Over the years SkinResource has been involved with numerous organizations. And have pledged to make a difference to organizations within our local community and to charities that are close to us and we feel we can make an impact.



NAMI - This year we have chosen NAMI to use our influence and hope to make an impact in 2024 and for years to come. In April SkinResource was the Presenting Sponsor for one of their largest fundraisers, NAMIWalk. We are so proud to have our team involved as NAMI, we feel that their impact in the community is so vital and with support can make a huge difference in so many lives.

Our Partnership with NAMI helps fund research, advocacy and programs to address and support mental health awareness in local communities and around the country.

Learn more about NAMI and how their impact changes lives.


Boys and Girls Club 

Learn more about Boys and Girls Club



Surfrider Foundation - San Diego Chapter. - 

The Surfrider Foundation is an organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of the world’s ocean, waves and beaches. 


Emilio Nares Foundation 

The Emilio Nares Foundation helps families navigate through their child’s journey with cancer and other life-threatening diseases.


Inland Church of Christ

Supports local communities with programs and sources to better the community and people who live there.



In 2019 SkinResource first became involved with Challenged Athletes Foundation by being a sponsor for a few of their extremely impactful events. We developed a skincare line for people of all ages with prosthetics who struggle with skin issues. At these events we were able to distribute healthy skincare to a population that is severely in need.

Learn more about Challenged Athletes Foundation


Past Giving

International Medical Corp. - (IMC) Paul Dean, our founder, had been involved with IMC for many years working in public health. He was very passionate about their mission and their impact on the world.International Medical Corps is a global, nonprofit, humanitarian aid organization that provides emergency medical services, healthcare training After many years of his involvement he then became an influential member on the board again using all their resources to make a difference. Over the years SkinResource was an integral part of their fundraisers. As a company we also donated a portion of our Baobab product sales to IMC to make an impact on educating Women and children in Africa. (We may a group photo somewhere when we were a sponsor at one of their banquets)

Learn more about IMC

Mission Hills Community -