How to Slow the Inevitable (Skin) Aging Process

How to Slow the Inevitable (Skin) Aging Process

Aging—it’s an inevitable fact of life. And nowhere else are the signs of aging more obvious than on your skin. Some factors of the aging process, like your genetics, are outside of your control. However, other factors like your diet and lifestyle habits affect the signs of aging, too, and those are completely within your sphere of influence. Here’s how you can slow the skin’s aging process through your everyday habits. 


Wear Sunscreen/Limit Sun Exposure

Basking in warm sunshine may feel good, but it is not good for the skin. The sun emits ultraviolet (UV) rays in various wavelengths and photon energies. A 2019 study found that all types of UV rays, no matter their wavelengths, end up affecting the skin in the same way, though some penetrate deeper into the skin than others. The rays weaken the bonds between the skin cells. After enough exposure, you can actually see those broken bonds, which visibly show up as peeling skin.

Woman leaning on car applying sunscreen.

Try to limit your sun exposure, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun’s rays are at their most direct angle. Your best solution, however, is sunblock. Apply sunblock every day, no matter the season, weather, or temperature. 

SkinResourceMD’s Essential Solar Protector is a physical sunscreen that’s better for the environment (and you) and offers SPF47 protection. It’s a moisturizing formula, so it can replace a separate moisturizer in your skincare routine. To simplify a morning routine even more, try our Hyaluronic Facial Solar Protector, which offers tinted moisturizing and sun protection.  


Develop Stress Management Techniques

What does stress have to do with your skin? As it turns out, a lot. Stress can trigger outbreaks of acne, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, or itchiness, just to name a few. It also causes general inflammation that contributes to premature aging too. 

Stress isn’t all bad. It’s your body’s warning system and is a natural biological response. However, healthy stress management techniques can help you stay on top of stress without it overtaking your life (and your skin). 

People lying on froow practicing Yoga.

Everyone is different, so it might take some time to learn what reduces your stress. A few ideas that have proven helpful for many people include:

  • Yoga: There are many types of yoga, but this ancient tradition has been shown time and time again to help reduce levels of anxiety and stress. You can join a yoga class or get free yoga tutorials on YouTube, among other places online. 
  • Meditation: Ten to fifteen minutes of quiet meditation helps train your brain to stay focused and in the present. It also trains you how to calm your mind when you’re feeling overwhelmed. 
  • Develop time management skills: Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies. Procrastination and poor time management skills can send stress levels into overload. Take steps to better manage your time. Make a daily list, simplify your to-do list, or make time for activities that help you feel relaxed while eliminating those that increase your blood pressure.


Stay Hydrated

Dehydration takes a toll on your body, but especially your skin. Without enough water, the skin can become flaky, itchy, or break out with eczema and other skin disorders. The skin can also become more sensitive to chemicals, skin products, and the sun when it’s dehydrated. 

The solution—sip on water all day long. Try to avoid alcohol and drinks with caffeine, as both can cause you to become dehydrated even if you’re drinking. 

The average person needs 64 ounces of water a day. Your individual needs may vary based on your size, weight, activity level, and weather. 

 Closeup of woman drinking a glass of water.

Develop a Skincare Routine

Skincare products can help protect your skin from aging. Aim for a consistent routine that’s adapted to your skin type. Remember the three basic steps of skincare:


Loving Your Skin and Slowing Aging

Protect your skin, and keep it moisturized. Make sure to use a physical sunblock that prevents UV rays from penetrating your skin. And don’t forget to treat your skin by giving it the antioxidants and vitamins it needs to heal and prevent the fine lines and wrinkles of aging.

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