12 Tips for Healthy Skin for the Holidays

12 Tips for Healthy Skin for the Holidays

    1. Manage Stress - the holidays can bring out the stress and stress can make skin conditions worse such as acne psoriasis and eczema.
    2. Keep a Healthy Diet - it can be tough during this time of year but keeping a well balanced diet is important and your skin will thank you. Taking care from the inside out.
    3. Stay Hydrated - drink a lot of water. If your body is hydrated so is your skin and it will show.

    4. Wash your Face - daily cleansing is important to avoid clogged pores which lead to more blemishes. Using a soap free cleanser will prevent drying skin out in cooler temperatures.
    5. Sticking with a Simple Regimen - Being consistent with a simple daily skincare regimen is extremely important to keep skin healthy.
    6. Exfoliate - by exfoliating at least once a week you are removing the dead skin cells and revealing new ones to create healthy glowing skin.
    7. Moisturize - Don’t skimp on the moisturizer for your whole body! Winter means dry skin so increasing moisture day and night to your skin will help with dryness. It is always important to find the right moisturizer that works with your skin type in order to create the right balance for your skin.
    8. Sunscreen - Using sunscreen in the winter is just as important. Use at least an SPF of 30 to protect from harmful UV rays and to prevent any further sun damage.
    9. Remember to moisturize lips and around the eyes - These areas the skin is more delicate and can suffer during the colder months.

    10. Cool off your Showers - reducing steamy hot showers will be beneficial. Hot water can wash away your skin’s natural oils which can be drying.
    11. Skip the Fragrance - skin that is prone dryness tends also to be more sensitive and can have negative reactions to fragrance.
    12. Layer up - by putting serum and/or hyaluronic acid on under a moisturizer your moisturizer then becomes a protective barrier trapping the serum molecules against your skin. Serums contain high levels of antioxidants which help protect and benefit skin.


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