Brand Ambassador Spotlighting - Taylor Milton

Brand Ambassador Spotlighting - Taylor Milton

Today, we’re spotlighting brand ambassador, Taylor Milton. We love her zest for life and adventurous spirit. Check out our interview with her below! You can follow her on Instagram @taymilton and visit her blog at

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself!
I’m a California gal from SRMD’s hometown, San Diego, that’s chased a dream across the world playing professional volleyball. I’m currently camping out in Hamburg, Germany during quarantine, staying fit and working on a creative project aimed to weave together the volleyball community. As a travel enthusiast, I live whole-heartedly for this life I’ve created abroad.

2. How do you stay refreshed?
As an athlete, I’ve always been a big advocate of drinking water as the best hydration for body and skin. I like a makeup-free face and consistent moisturizing routines within the day.

Taylor sitting in a chair

3. What are some skincare challenges/insecurities you’ve faced throughout your lifetime?
In the last few years, I’ve dealt with some gut issues, and when it flares up it causes breakouts on my face. I get acne around my jawline which was something I had never experienced before. Because I spend a lot of time in the sun I need to have products that help prevent scarring and keep my skin hydrated. Hands down, my favorite combination of Skin Resource.MD products are the Hyaluronic Moisture Boost Serum and the Baobab Skin Correction Facial Cream. It’s part of my morning and evening skincare routine, leaving my skin moisturized and softening any acne scarring or wrinkles I have from sun exposure.

4. What is one of your favorite things about yourself?
I have always been thankful for my creativity; from an athlete to an artist, I believe it’s what has made me who I am today. Physically, it would definitely be my smile; it’s the easiest way to connect with people and I’m thankful to have never needed any braces!


Taylor in a car

5. What makes you feel most beautiful and what does beautiful mean to you?
Beauty is a feeling I associate with quality time and affection. All it takes is an afternoon of laughs, a tough workout with teammates, or a home-cooked meal to fill up my cup. My happiness and beauty are truly derived from the love I receive and the time I spend with the people I hold dearest in my life.

7. How do you practice self-care?
I love to pop in headphones and go for long walks when I want to tune-in to a little “me time.” I find that it’s the easiest activity to squeeze into my busy schedule and taking the time to slow down and get some fresh air has always inspired personal reflection while leaving me feeling refreshed.

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